Original sequences from http://www.tanimoto.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp usr: mpegftv password: fngOyfTv Size: 1280 x 960 original texture: views 0-79, yuv 4:2:0, 500 frames original depth: views 37,39,41, yuv 4:2:0, 300 frames (u,v=128) rectified and estimated (DE code) with MinZ = 2031.588498; MaxZ = 7784.110870; Total num cameras in calibfile: 80 -------------------- test1 views 39 and 41 for synthesizing view 40. texture yuv 4:2:0 frames 0-49 depth yuv 4:2:0 frames 0-49 disparity y 4:0:0 frames 0-49 disparity from 39 to 41 and from 41 to 39 with scaling factor 4 (de-scale with 0.25) ------------------- Example ViewSynthesis2 call: (y inputs, alter format within code) $ ../Debug/ViewSynth2.exe C:/MyDATA/error_res/test1_champagne/color-cam39.y C:/ MyDATA/error_res/test1_champagne/depth-cam39.y C:/MyDATA/error_res/test1_champa gne/color-cam41.y C:/MyDATA/error_res/test1_champagne/depth-cam41.y C:/MyDATA/e rror_res/test1_champagne/calibParams-champagne-MS.txt 0 80 39 41 40 0 10 1 2031 .588498 7784.110870 1280 960 champ_nagoya0_1280x960.y (yuv inputs, alter format within code) $ ../Release/ViewSynth2.exe C:/MyDATA/error_res/test1_champagne/color-cam39.yuv C:/MyDATA/error_res/test1_champagne/depth-cam39.yuv C:/MyDATA/error_res/test1_ champagne/color-cam41.yuv C:/MyDATA/error_res/test1_champagne/depth-cam41.yuv C :/MyDATA/error_res/test1_champagne/calibParams-champagne-MS.txt 0 80 39 41 40 0 30 1 2031.588498 7784.110870 1280 960 champ_nagoya0_1280x960.y